Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A quick October

Grammy's Visit:
Grammy came down for 4 days and Kylen had soooo much with her. We went to the pumpkin patch at Kylen's school and he got to pick out a BUMPY pumpkin to bring home. They got to spend a lot time together since Matt and I had to work and he loved every minute of it!

Potty Training:
We are going on 2 weeks of wearing big big underwear. The first week I have to say was pretty frustrating. I think I bathed Kylen 6 times that first day. As the days have gone on he has gone from not telling us at all and peeing on himself, to going a little bit then telling us, to now telling us for both pee and poop!. He has done 2 full days without even a drop of an accident!! These pics were taken at his friend Charli's house. As you can see going to the potty can be a fun event for everyone. We all wound up in the bathroom reading books while Kylen took care of buisness.

Matt and I went out with our friends Jenn and Randy to Moonfest. It is basically just a block party filled with a bunch of hooligans. I decided against drinking that night due to severe dehydration. I had run 10 miles that morning and was in pretty bad shape. You don't even want to know all those lovely details. BUT,I had to go out! I spent the money on the costume so I was bound and determined to wear it! I wound up finding a bar stool to plant myself on and I watched people make complete jerks of themselves most of the night. It was pretty fun.

Pumpkin Painting:
Yesterday while the weather was so FABULOUS we let Kylen paint his pumpkins in the backyard. He LOVES his bumpy pumpkin so much and had such a good time painting it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what is matt doing?


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