Monday, October 6, 2008

Fireman Kylen

Today we took Kylen to a local Firehouse so he could meet some "real firemen". He was soooo excited he could hardly stand it!! We took a tour through the whole house and the garage. It was so cool.

Here we are in the garage where the pump engine and ambulance are kept. Kylen got to see all kinds of things on this truck.

He even got to hold a real fire hose!!

He also got to turn on the siren all by himself. It was REALLY loud in that garage!

He also got to turn on the lights of the truck. I have to say when he woke up this morning he was the most excited I had ever seen him. This trip was sooooo cool! After the fire house we topped off the morning with a lunch at firehouse subs! It was the perfect ending to a great day!

1 comment:

Medana22 said...

Again I say, can you be my parents?! This seems so fun. I love the firehouse...its looks like you are in Miami Beach:)


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