Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A quick October

Grammy's Visit:
Grammy came down for 4 days and Kylen had soooo much with her. We went to the pumpkin patch at Kylen's school and he got to pick out a BUMPY pumpkin to bring home. They got to spend a lot time together since Matt and I had to work and he loved every minute of it!

Potty Training:
We are going on 2 weeks of wearing big big underwear. The first week I have to say was pretty frustrating. I think I bathed Kylen 6 times that first day. As the days have gone on he has gone from not telling us at all and peeing on himself, to going a little bit then telling us, to now telling us for both pee and poop!. He has done 2 full days without even a drop of an accident!! These pics were taken at his friend Charli's house. As you can see going to the potty can be a fun event for everyone. We all wound up in the bathroom reading books while Kylen took care of buisness.

Matt and I went out with our friends Jenn and Randy to Moonfest. It is basically just a block party filled with a bunch of hooligans. I decided against drinking that night due to severe dehydration. I had run 10 miles that morning and was in pretty bad shape. You don't even want to know all those lovely details. BUT,I had to go out! I spent the money on the costume so I was bound and determined to wear it! I wound up finding a bar stool to plant myself on and I watched people make complete jerks of themselves most of the night. It was pretty fun.

Pumpkin Painting:
Yesterday while the weather was so FABULOUS we let Kylen paint his pumpkins in the backyard. He LOVES his bumpy pumpkin so much and had such a good time painting it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fireman Kylen

Today we took Kylen to a local Firehouse so he could meet some "real firemen". He was soooo excited he could hardly stand it!! We took a tour through the whole house and the garage. It was so cool.

Here we are in the garage where the pump engine and ambulance are kept. Kylen got to see all kinds of things on this truck.

He even got to hold a real fire hose!!

He also got to turn on the siren all by himself. It was REALLY loud in that garage!

He also got to turn on the lights of the truck. I have to say when he woke up this morning he was the most excited I had ever seen him. This trip was sooooo cool! After the fire house we topped off the morning with a lunch at firehouse subs! It was the perfect ending to a great day!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Disney Day

Today was Disney Day at Kylens School. So, off he went with his Disney shirt, my 1/2 marathon donald duck medal, and his marathon Mickey doll. He of course wore his running shorts and sneakers. Too cute. He had so much. Im so glad he loves school!

Caden's B day

This past weekend we took Kylen to Orlando for Caden's 3rd Birthday party. It was a Kung Fu Panda party. Im sure you'll see in the pics they had a great time!!


Made by Lena