Monday, April 30, 2007

leaving a comment

A lot of you are saying you can't leave a comment b/c you don't have a Google account. There is another option for you called "other". All you have to do is select that option and you just leave your name. You do not have to put anything else in, and you don't have to be a member. You can even be anonymous if you want and leave no info at all. Hope this helps and you people start commenting! ;)


Medana22 said...

your so cute:) How far are you from Orlando??

Medana22 said...

I want to take the kids to that water park! I will talk to my husband and shoot you some dates:)

Medana22 said...

hey where do you get your hair done? Do you always come back to Orlando to do it?? :)

Anonymous said...

Angela, When I read about Lion Country Safari it brought tears to my eyes. We lived in Lauderdale when Annie was Kylen's age and I have pictures of her at Lion Country Safari. She used to love it there. Kylen looked like he was really into it! He's so darned cute!! Love Mary

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Angela for the adorable pictures of your precious son. I look forward to meeting Kylen in person someday soon.
Glad you and Matt enjoyed the wedding in Boston. You both looked so nice all decked out for the wedding. Your Grandmother is always talking about Kylen and Caden and how wonderful they are. Of course, I'm prejudiced toward little boys, having had 2 myself. Love, cousin Sharon


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