Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kylen's first day

Well today went very well. Kylen woke up ready for school!! Matt and I both dropped him off and it was such a special morning. When his teacher opened the door he gave her the flower pens we made her and off he went to play. We tried to say good bye to him but he only wanted to play. He just looked up as we were waving at the door and ignored us. oh well, Im glad he was comfortable. Enjoy the pics of his first day!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Been a While

Okay so the summer began with Kylens Birthday and after our reunion weekend in the Keys quickly went into July. We had a fun 4th and then 2 days later Matt broke his leg at one of his many Sunday soccer games. After surgery, 3 screws, a titanium rod, and now almost 2 months of rehab he is doing well. He started driving this week and has also started walking without his crutches...not sure if hes supposed to but he is. Last week I started training again for my 2nd 1/2 marathon and will be running the first weekend in Dec. School has begun and I am teaching 1st grade this year. I am job sharing again so I can be home with Kylen too and so far it has been GREAT! Kylen is also starting school this week. We went today to meet his teacher and it was so fun! He is going just 3 hours a day, 2 days a week at a Christian school that goes up to 5th grade. It was so fun picking out his little school tee shirts! SO CUTE! I think I am more excited than he is! I will let you know how his first day goes!! (and no it wont take me 3 months)Matta nd I also have been busy at church too this summer. We volunteer everyother sunday in the 4th and 5th grade school called Surge45. Matt does the technology aspecta nd I do the small groups. I am teaching alone this sunday for the first time and I have to say I am a little nervous. I can teach reading writing ect, but teaching about God just feels like so much more pressure...I just dont want to screw it up.LOL. Anyways enjoy the pics

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