Monday, June 16, 2008

Kylens 2nd Bday

Well his actual B day was Friday June 6th. I had to work so Matt took hime to MyGym for a Barney show!! They had a blast! When I got home we took Kylen to Build-A-Bear for his frist time!(he now wants to work part time kidding he told us and we have it on video...hilarious!)So after he made Dino we walked the mall and Kylen strolled his new toy all over the place. The next day was was Kylens party. He had a Nemo themed pool party at Matt parents house. All of his family and friends were there to celebrtate and he had a GREAT DAY!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Normally our Wednesdays are pretty boring, but today was SUPER FUN! First thing this morning we went to sing-A-long at Pottery Barn Kids. Of course Kylen's friend Charli met us up there and they had so much fun together. At the end of the show I got up and did the hokie-pokie with Kylen. It was so much fun.

Then that night I was in the talent show with some teachers and students at my school. Matt made our music and we taught the girls the dance and it turned out AWESOME!! We were clearly the hit of the show! The crowd went CRAZY! It was sooooo fun!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Miami Metro Zoo

Saturday morning as Kylen and I sat watching tv in our PJ's I called my friend Jeanine to see what she was doing. She said they were on there way to the Miami Metro Zoo if I wanted to meet them. So I said I'll think about it and call her back. I hung up and asked Kylen if he wanted to do something really fun with mommy and of course he said yes. Then I asked him if he wanted to go to the zoo and he SCREAMED YYEESS! So we super quick got dressed and off we went to Miami. The first thing we did was see the Diego show. Kylen LOVES Diego! Then we just walked around and looked at all the animals. Kylen and Charli had so much running around and seeing everything. We didn't leave the zoo till around 5:30pm and Kylen was asleep before we left the parking lot. I wish Matt could have been with us but it was still a fun day!

Made by Lena