Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kylen's minor surgery

As most of you know since Kylen was born he has had tear duct problems. His eyes are always tearing and gooping. His left eye was able to clear upon its own a few months back, but his right continuously was clogged and got infections. So once children turn 12 months and it has not cleared they have to have it surgically opened. So that is what we did today. We had to be at the surgery center at 6:15am to fill out paperwork and get him all prepped for the procedure. He was not happy at all to be without his morning juice and oatmeal, not to mention the bracelet on his ankle and hospital gown that was not very warm. His poor little toes were so cold. He was so upset that every time he even saw the nurse walk by he burst into tears. He did eventually calm down long enough for Matt to take our picture with is phone Kylen just looked so pitiful/cute we had to have a pic!. So finally another nurse came by to take him into surgery and we said our goodbyes. About 15 minutes later he was in recovery and we were allowed to back and hold him. We gave him some juice and his pacifier and he was happy once again. That is until the nurse took off the sticky circles on his back. But Matt made him laugh and he has been fine since. He is completely back to his regular self. Though it wasn't a major surgery the idea of anesthesia is never fun, but he did well and we are proud of him.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Fruit plate

The mall we go to has this really cool playground in the middle of it. Kylen LOVES to play in here, and today was even more exciting than usual due to the lady making balloon swords. When we first got there Kylen just ran around crying and trying to steal everyone elses swords so we scooped him up and took him to get his own. It was too funny watching him actually try to sword fight theses other kids! They looked like they knew what they were doing and it was hilarious. After a while the kids got tired of playing together and Kylen decided to climb up the fruit plate and hold his sword in the air like he won some great battle. This kid really does keep me laughing ALL THE TIME! Between Matt and Kylen I am smiling all day long!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Oh yes its Ladies Night...

Twice a month my friends and I get together for some fun, food and drinks. Last night was a little different than usual becuase we didn't do dinner. We went out for appetizers and then went to salsa night at a night club. I was possibly one of the funniest nights I have had in a while!! We are for sure not a salsa dancing group of girls, but we had so much fun laughing at each other trying! It would have been even more fun if I didn't have to be up at 6:30 for a conference in the morning...boy was I tired! I'm not used to those hours anymore! Well enjoy the pics.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Daddy's Day!

Matt had a fun Father's Day! He woke up early and went to play golf with his Dad and Brother. Then he came home opend his presents and played with Kylen before he had to go to work. Then after work we ordered Chinese food put Kylen to bed and watched a movie together. It was a good day.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Last night we went to a graduation party for one of Matt's cousins. Kylen was showing his dance moves when I caught a pic of him walking off the dance floor. He looks like he is doing the runway walk...too funny! He was outlate and as you can see fromt he other pic he was very tired!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Playdate at our house!

Today I hosted a playdate at our house so a few of Kylens friends could come over and swim! They has so much fun playing in the Elmo mister, sliding down the slide, and splashing around in the pool! Gotta love great weather!

B day Party #2

Matt spiked his hair for his big day!


Getting ready to swim!! Kylen had fun floating in the deep end while Matt did cannon balls next to him!

This was Kylens desperate plea to get down and not have to eat pie!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

B day Party #1

Kylen's first B day party was so much fun. Most of his little friends were there to celebrate!

After lunch we all went swimming. Silly me for thinking Kylen would want to take a picture!

I was shocked when Kylen didn't want to eat his cake. Matt and I both put icing in his mouth and he wasn't happy about it.

Opening presents was fun. Kylen was obsessed with the first gift he opened so Matt and I had to open the rest! He is to funny.

By the end of the day we were ALL pooped. He had a fun day and we get to do it all again next weekend at his Orlando Party!! WOOHOO! The fun just never stops!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

some time & creativity!

As most of you know I love to scrapbook. Lately though I have not had the time or the drive to do it. So I have not scrapped since March and I decided last night that was just to long and I need to get back into it. I did two pages and I actually like them. Yes I am suprised because usually when I do a page out of just needing to get it done it turns out crappy. But these two are actually cute. Here are the pics of them all finished. If you click on the pic you can see it bigger...I think it comes out REALLY BIG.


Made by Lena